PN Selfcare in the press!

Tested and approved by Flair! The PN Selfcare Home Manicure kit was tested by Flair, a Belgian magazine. Among the other gel polish DIY kitsPN Selfcare came out extremely well. 

Selfgel tested by Flair 

Chef lifestyle Judith from Flair tested our Selfgel Home Manicure Kit and is a huge fan! After applying the Selfgel, her manicure lasted for 7 days. After removing the Gel Polish, her nails even felt stronger than before. 

Judith: "I had perfect nails for seven days, which also felt stronger. I will definitely use this kit again." 

 Cover Flair Flair open

Her positive thoughts about the kit listed below:

+ The gel polish is peelable. So you can take it off in one piece without having to use any chemical products.  
+ You connect the LED lamp to your computer (USB).  
+ The Selfgel is very easy and quick to apply (Judith: "If I can do it, anyone can!") and the gel lasts remarkably long.  
+ Thanks to the gel polish, she has less of a tendency to fiddle with her nails and skin. 
+ After removing the Selfgel, her nails seemed stronger than before. Incredible !  

Read the full Dutch article on the PN Selfgel Kit here.


Published in Flair 43, April 5th-11th, 2022. Text by Charlotte De Loose. 

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